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Tooth sensitivity is a problem for around 20 percent of Americans, and it’s an illness we treat daily at Covington Dental Partners in Covington, Georgia. Here are some bits of prevention guidance and pieces of information on service options.

Both gum disease and sensitivity can be prevented if you follow healthy dental hygiene suggestions. Use non-abrasive toothpaste and brush your pearly whites twice a day for two minutes per session and floss once daily. Limit your intake of sugary or acidic foods and drinks, and consult our team before using any teeth whitening products, which can cause tooth sensitivity. Following this guidance will keep the enamel of your teeth solid and your dentin less sensitive.

If your case of tooth sensitivity is too grave to be treated with straightforward desensitizers, Dr. Sterling Whitworth may recommend surgical restorative dental practices to aid you. These practices can range from fillings and sealants to root canals. Whatever is recommended, you can rest easy with the knowledge that Dr. Sterling Whitworth has suggested the service that will be of most advantage to you in reducing the painful effects of tooth sensitivity.

Call 770-786-9339 to set up your checkup with Dr. Sterling Whitworth at the Covington, Georgia, office of Covington Dental Partners.